5 Feb 2018 by Jordan Hodge

Welcome to another year, and welcome to the SGY Team App, this is new era, a new season for SGY with even more possibilities on the horizon through not only the app but through many different initiatives that are developing and starting up this year. But I want to focus on that word, SEASON in this reflection, not only is it a new season for SGY, but it’s a new season for all of us.
Before we continue any further I want you to try something, your app should allow you to comment on this reflection, so in the comments I want you to write two things; your best year so far, and your worst year, nothing else, just those two things; you don’t need to explain why, just the years.
What you might find, or would, if we waited long enough, is that your worst year is probably someone’s best, and your best might be someone’s absolute worst. So, you see we are all on this crazy journey together but separately, going through different seasons at different times independently of each other. One of the books in the bible called Ecclesiastes says in chapter three, that there is a season for everything under the sun, and what we find out is that those seasons can be different for different people at the same time.
Here’s a story; remember good old twenty sixteen? I remember at the end of that year, everyone was so upset about how hard the year had been for the entire world, it seemed like the whole year felt like a Monday morning, but all year, for everyone. Here’s the thing, 2016 was a super awesome year for me, yeah there were some bad bits, but overall it was the year I grew the most in my faith, started on the road to repairing the sins of my past, took huge leaps of courage in my career and DJd my first interstate gig.
So looking forward to this season of twenty 18, I’m positive, I know it will be hard, but the cool thing about seasons is that they always come around. Winter can seem long and cold, but it’s not too long until you’re kicking back on a beach somewhere getting sunburnt, maybe even wishing it was winter. It’s the same with our faith, sometimes we can stray away from God, but there’s always a better day on the horizon.

Scripture verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

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